President’s Message for March 2023
Friday, 3 March 2023 | View:
Please pardon me for the absence of the President’s monthly messages
First of all so much actions and activities have been conducted through Oct 2022 to February 2023
Our Happy meals led by PP Richard Ong have blessed many and his untiring efforts have been well recognised by all in our district and beyond
Our Ray of Hope have benefited many of the students in Spectra secondary school. The details will be shared in our community services post shortly
On 8 December, we have DG Joanne Kam visit reviewed our club program and progress. We have 2 new members Raj and his charming spouse Kavitha sworn in by our DG witnessed by their 2 daughters. We had our Christmas celebration Our AG Linda Tean was present to support us in this review
Our review covered the following
Club Charter
Goals and achievement
Club Membership and growth
Club Financeand Constitution
3.6 Any other matters of concern mentioned in DG visit
4 DG’s summary remarks
5. President tokens of Appreciation were given to both DG and AG
We also witnessed the Signing of friendship club with eclub Kl One PP Ong Chee Wee Director International service
The Christmas celebration fellowship meal was well organised by Club service committee Rtn Jessica and team
5 Christmas gifts Pot Blessings
In January 2023
Vocational Service Month
Our club conducted a Vocational visit to Go Grace Farm Rotarian Grace Lim hosted our club and friends to her high technology farm
Urban Farming Partners SG GroGrace Visit*
Saturday 7 Jan 2023
Time: 11AM-1PM
Total of 16 of us attended this visit
AGM conducted on 12 January 23
A new BOD was formed with PE May Yan leading the pack
In February 2023
Our club had our former member French Chef Nicolas Reynard to share with us on honey and cheese pairing. On 18 February Rotary Day of service to the community in Singapore Our club participated with 2 stalls giving bread and puffins to the local community and our PP Ong Chee Wee entertained the crowd with his rendition of songs
23 February we celebrated 118 anniversary for our Rotary movement
Coming 9 March 2023
Our club will have speaker from APSN. Association of Persons with Special Needs to share with us their outreach to this challenging group in our community
On 15 March Our club with Toastmasters Singapore and Rotaract Singapore will conduct World speech day Shared ideas for a better world
To be conducted in FRCS 111 North Bridge Road
Last but not least Gentle Reminder for all who has yet to sign up for RI convention 2023 in Melbourne
President James Tian,
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